2012年1月28・29日 第29回 公益社団法人)日本口腔インプラント学会九州支部学術大会 口演
1. 吸収した歯槽骨に対して足場,成長因子とインプラントを用いて垂直的骨再建を試みた症例検討
○The case study which tried vertical bone reconstruction for absorbed alveolar bone, using scaffold (β-TCP), growth factors(PRP) and blasted implants.
1)日本歯科先端技術研究所, 2) 日宇歯科,3) サファイア歯科,4)九大病院
目的 : 重篤な歯周病,歯根破折および長期にわたる根尖病変は外傷や細菌感染により,歯根の器質的変化をきたし,セメント質が吸収され歯根象牙質の露出に至り,同時に歯槽骨の外皮質骨吸収を伴う.この様な場合,歯の喪失後にも歯槽骨の能動的・受動的な骨再建はほとんど観られない.そこで,組織工学の足場を用いて歯槽骨の垂直性吸収に対して再建を試みた手法を報告する.
2012年1月28・29日 第29回 公益社団法人)日本口腔インプラント学会九州支部学術大会 ポスター
d-PTFE膜の露出時の感染性について/ Infection at exposure of d-PTFE membrane
○下御領良二1,3),扇 和洋1),森竜文1,2),田島伸也1,2),大久保厚司1,4)
1)日本歯科先端技術研究所, 2)アンチエイジング臨床歯科研究,3)サファイア歯科,4)日宇歯科
Ⅰ目的 expanded polytetrafluoroethelene ( e-PTFE) 膜を使用したGuided Bone Regeneration (GBR )においては、初期閉鎖がなしえなかっり、早期に膜が一部露出した場合、細菌によって内部が汚染され骨再生の失敗につながるとされている.近年、 dense -polytetrafluoroethelene ( d-PTFE ) 膜を用いることで膜が露出しても感染を起こすことなく、GBR部位の骨の再生がえられたとの報告がある.今回、d-PTFE膜を、Socket Preservation(SP) , GBR時に使用した症例での感染性について報告する.
Ⅱ方法 2009年6月〜2010年9月の期間に 36名(男性15名/女性11名)の45部位に、患者の同意のもと、d-PTFE膜が、膜の一部が露出した状態で縫合固定により設置された. 使用目的・膜の設置期間・周囲粘 膜の発赤・腫脹・排膿の有無・膜除去時の内面へのプラーク付着に有無について調査した
2011年 9 月 10 日(土) 第 9 回日本再生歯科医学会 ポスター1
○大久保厚司1,2), 藤永賢亮1,3), 井上正朗4), 三島弘幸5)
1)日宇歯科,2) 日本大学松戸歯学部第二解剖学教室,3) 九州大学病院, 4) いのうえファミリー歯科,5) 高知学園短期大学医療衛生学科歯科衛生専攻
緒言 : 重篤な歯周病,歯根破折および長期にわたる根尖病変は外傷や細菌感染により,歯根の器質的変化をきたし,セメント質が吸収され歯根象牙質の露出に至り,同時に歯槽骨の外皮質骨吸収を伴う.この様な場合,歯の喪失後にも歯槽骨の能動的・受動的な骨再建はほとんど観られない.そこで,組織工学の足場を用いて歯槽骨の垂直性吸収に対して再建を試みた手法を報告する.
症例: 患者; 57歳女性,初診:2007年7月. 主訴: 咀嚼不十分(希望はインプラントによる咬合回復).左側下顎歯槽骨再建: 2008年7月⎾567を抜歯直後に第一次骨再建として抜歯窩にβTCPとPRPを埋植.2009年3月⎾567部にマイティス・アローインプラントΦ4mm X 12mmの先端を5~7mm程度埋植し,歯肉を拡張して第二次骨再建として再度βTCPとPRPを埋植.2011年8月CT所見ではインプラントネック部迄骨再建と外皮質骨の形成が認められた.
結果および考察 : 骨移植による骨幅再建は比較的容易であるが,垂直的骨再建は困難とされてきた.これには外皮質骨は骨密度が高く,骨髄と血流が少ないことが挙げられ,また,歯槽骨を覆う歯肉にも起因する.
抜歯後,外皮質骨が形成される前にインプラントの先端部だけを埋入して固定源とするが,豊富な骨髄面から拡張した歯肉内側の中空となった部分の自己再生能力を高めたと考える. PRPはその発現期間から主に初期炎症を抑える働きにとどまり,その後,自己再生能力を阻害すること無く,期間は要するが,足場を利用してインプラントネック部まで骨再建がおこなわれたと推測する.この手法は感染が無い限り,外皮質骨を誘導する手法として有用であると考える.
2011年 9 月 10 日(土) 第 9 回日本再生歯科医学会 ポスター2
○三島弘幸 1,見明康雄 2,大久保厚司 3 1 高知学園短期大学幼児保育学科,2 東京歯科大学口腔超微構造学講座, 3 日宇歯科医院
70. Original paper. Journal of Hard Tissue Biology Vol. 20 (2011) , No. 4 pp.333-338
三島 弘幸1), 見明 康雄2), 大久保 厚司3), 宮本 泰輔4) :
1) 高知学園短期大学幼児保育学科 2) 東京歯科大学口腔超微構造学講座 3) 日宇歯科医院 4) 桜栄会西葛西歯科室 (Accepted for Publication November 10, 2011)
Abstract: 癒合歯は下顎前歯部に多いと報告されている。今回、上顎右側第2大臼歯と第3大臼歯の癒合歯の症例を報告する。その癒合歯の組織構造、化学組成と発生過程を検索する目的で本研究を行った。26歳の男性の症例であり、上顎右側第2大臼歯と第3大臼歯の癒合歯である。第2大臼歯の歯冠部の形態は正常であり、その歯根部で癒合している第3大臼歯の歯冠はエナメル滴様の形態であった。第3大臼歯の歯髄腔内にエナメル質が観察された。エナメル小柱の配列は不規則で、その横断形は鱗状であった。X線分析顕微鏡像では歯髄腔内のエナメル質は正常なエナメル質より透過性が高く、Pの濃度分布が低かった。球間象牙質が顕著に観察された。第2大臼歯と第3大臼歯の境界部では脈管象牙質が観察された。第3大臼歯の歯冠形成の初期の段階で第2大臼歯と癒合したと考察される。
2011年7月30・31日 第32回日本歯内療法学会学術大会
オーガナイザー 佐世保市 大久保厚司
本シンポジウムでは、佐世保市の大久保がオーガナイザアーを務めさせていただきます。私の方からは、難治性歯内療法に対する症状および歯外療法の外科的処置として根周囲の外皮質骨の破壊,セメント質の剥離および歯根のヒビや破折等の症例を通じて保存の可能性と限界を話したいと思います。その後、3名のシンポジストによって、それぞれの立場から、歯内療法の重要性についての講演をお願いしています。幸い、午前の特別講演では、鶴見大学歯学部の花田信弘教授から歯髄、根尖歯周組織の病変は「炎症のくすぶり」として、局所で炎症性サイトカインが持続的に産生されている高リスク状態にあることを、肥満をはじめとするメタボリック症候群と関連して話されます。エンドの重要性を再認識できるものと考えます。シンポジウムはまず、わが国における歯痛の電気生理学的研究の第一人者である長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科生体情報学分野の戸田一雄教授には、特に抜髄後に生じる難治性疼痛に関する発症メカニズムなど生理学的立場からお話していただきます。続いて国立長寿医療研究センター再生歯科医療研究部の中島美砂子部長には歯髄の再生療法に関する最新情報を提供していただきます、最後に日本顕微鏡歯科学会の辻本恭久会長(日本大学松戸歯学部歯内療法学講座 診療教授)からはマイクロスコープを使用した根管治療について、マイクロスコープが歯内治療になくてならない機器となっている現状をお話していただきます。
臨床歯外療法の診断,治療と限界 大久保厚司 日宇歯科
2011年7月30・31日 第32回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 ポスター1
○辻本真規1,2),大久保厚司1), 藤永賢亮1,3),泉大輔4),太田信知5),井上正朗6),初瀬和敏7)
1) 日宇歯科,2) 長崎大学大学院, 3) 九州大学病院 4) 泉歯科,5)太田歯科,6)いのうえファミリー歯科,7)初瀬歯科
Introduction: There is possibility of allergy or autoimmune disease condition of the x-ray transmissivity image of the mucous membrane of maxillary sinus part in orthopantomo graphy findings. Furthermore, in clinical, for the case that radiolucency at the apical area is present in on endodontics history tooth without being associated with endodontic therapy.Because the most accept a lot of radiopacity in maxillary sinus of bilateral or the unilateral, and it is necessary to investigate association of allergy or autoimmune disease and the radiolucency at the apical area statistically.
Research and method: 1) Research method The patient that the subject came to the hospital in HIU Dental Clinical Institute in June, 2011. Regardless of age or sex, the research had 244 patients in total cooperate with 94 men with 150 women from 14 years old 80′s. Research is radiolucency of the maxillary sinus region by orthopantomo graphy findings with association of apical lesion and the allergy,and it diagnosed having allergy and systemic disease or not by asking questions. Also, it confirmed that there was not disorder peculiar to maxillary sinus in dental corn beam CT(CBCT) when a diagnosis was difficult. 2) Research contents: ① The maxillary sinus findings by the orthopantomo graphy classified 3 , radiopacity in bilateral and unilateral, the radiolucency (normal). ② It depends on having systemic disease and allergy or not by medical examination by interview. ③ Presence of the radiolucency at the apical area of the endodontics history tooth which did reading image according to maxillary sinus findings.( On the occasion of research, root fracture and the severe periodontal disease affection tooth which arrived at the apical area and the non-endodontics tooth exclude it.
Results: 1) A history or non-history of the endodontics in the number of the subject and ratio. The number of the subjects:244 person (94 male, 150 female) , endodontics history and rate : 204 person 83.61%(79 male 84.04%, 125 female 33.33%), non-endodontics history and rate,: 40 person16.39% (15 male 15.95%, 25 female 16.67%) 2) Allergy (Ⅰ, Ⅳ type and others) and the systemic disease that it examined according to maxillary sinus findings.
3) Success and failure rate of the history tooth of endodontics that it examined according to maxillary sinus findings.
Disccus : According to the host immunomechanism and the radicular organic change, it think from pathologic condition of the endodontics to shift to intractable. Also, a lot of macrophages performing antibacterial activity are present in mechanistic one of the Homo sapiens mucous membrane of maxillary sinus. It is reported that the mucomembranous immunity is possible like Nasopharyngeal associated lymphoid tissue / NALT. Furthermore, mucomembranous immunity has common mucosal immune system (a pandemic mucomembranous immunity mechanism). On respiratory apparatus systemic as for the secretory IgA antibody forming cells which are in charge of mucomembranous immunity when suffer antigen stimulation in nasal mucosa, an alimentary canal, the apparatus urogenitalis is submucous, and redistribute it. Then a specific secretory IgA antibody reply is induced with systemic mucosa.Also, a lot of macrophages performing antibacterial activity are present in mechanistic one of the Homo sapiens mucous membrane of maxillary sinus. It is reported that the mucomembranous immunity is possible like Nasopharyngeal associated lymphoid tissue / NALT. Furthermore, mucomembranous immunity has common mucosal immune system (a pandemic mucomembranous immunity mechanism). On respiratory apparatus systemic as for the secretory IgA antibody forming cells which are in charge of mucomembranous immunity when suffer antigen stimulation in nasal mucosa, an alimentary canal, the apparatus urogenitalis is submucous, and redistribute it. Then a specific secretory IgA antibody reply is induced with systemic mucosa.
In this research, 57.38% of the subject had allergic affection and affection history by the diagnosis by asking questions. It investigated radiopacity image of the maxillary sinus region in orthopantomo views without disorder peculiar to maxillary sinus that showed in bilateral 73.91% and in unilateral 63.77%. The Ⅰ type allergia 65.71%, the Ⅳ type allergia 5.71%, both were 23.57% ,the Ⅰ type and the Ⅳ type allergy that dendritic cells contributed to accounted for 95%. Among 1,361 root canal therapy history teeth, origin of endodontic lesion was present in 179 (13.15%). Furthermore, it was male 8.21% and female 8.85% by the flash filling within 1~2mm in the root canal filling of the patient with bilateral maxillary sinus radiopacity. However, it is failure rate of male 33.80% and female 31.82% in the under more than 2mm. The failure rate of flash filling is male 4.73% and female 12.73% with the patient with unilateral radiopacity. It faced each other, and to be more than under 2mm was failure rate of male 27,87%% and female 31.66%. At failure rate of the patients with maxillary sinus radioparency (physically unimpaired person), the flash filling was male 6.19% and female 4.28%. The failure rate of the under was male 16.00%% and female 19.75% more than 2mm.
The failure rate of the average with bilateral maxillary sinus radiopacity 17.07% patient, with unilateral radiopacity 14.75% patient, it was 8.03% patient with radioparency (physically unimpaired person).
It think that the presence of the radiopacity image of the maxillary sinus part may suppose a prognosis of the endodontics in orthopantomo views by these results.
Conclusion: In orthopantomo graphy findings, when radiopacity is found in the mucous membrane of maxillary sinus part, possibility of allergy or the autoimmune disease is suggested, and it is thought that it is possibility of one aim to diagnose a prognosis of the endodontics.
Also, we think about the endodontics technique that it can improve a prognosis by implementing precisely without making the root canal outside do extravasation in shaping / cleaning / obturation.
2011年7月30・31日 第32回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 ポスター2
・Ⅰ型アレルギーをもつ成人の歯根端切除術後の根尖部の再生/ Regeneration of the apical area after the adult apicoectomy of the typeⅠallergia
○大久保厚司1), 辻本真規1,2), 藤永賢亮1), 井上正朗3), 太田信知4), 山崎和恵5), 三島弘幸6)
1)日宇歯科,2) 長崎大学大学院, 3)いのうえファミリー歯科,4)太田歯科, 5)長崎大学病院,6)高知学園短期大学医療衛生学科歯科衛生専攻
はじめに: 特定の抗原に対して免疫反応が過剰に起こるアレルギーは抗原を排除するために働く生体にとって不可欠な生理機能であるが,歯内療法において過剰に反応すると予後が期待できないことがある.今回,根管充填後に急性症状を発症した症例において歯根端切除術を施し,予後約7年で歯根の再生を認めていた症例を報告する.
症例経過: 初診:2002年11月,24歳女性.全身的既往歴:Ⅰ,Ⅳ型アレルギー.主訴:疼痛と腫脹,歯内療法学的診断名:6⏋急性根尖性歯槽膿瘍.現症: 6⏋の6x6mm以上の根尖病変の急性症状による右側頬側歯肉から下顎リンパ節におよぶ腫脹,疼痛(自発痛,誘発痛).第1回処置: 当日,歯冠補綴物除去,抗生物質ケフレックス1500mg/1日X 3日,消炎鎮痛剤ボルタレン25mg疼痛時服用.第2回目処置:3日後,急性症状の腫脹,疼痛消失.同抗生物質と鎮痛剤処方.第3回目処置:7日後に無菌的処置下でobutu-gatta/OGSにて根管充填が施行されたことを確認したため,再治療はせず,歯根端切除術を施行し,感染防止とグロスファクターを含むPRP coltのみを埋植した.同抗生物質と鎮痛剤処方.第5回目処置:2%アクリノール洗浄と抜糸.予後観察:5ヵ月後のX線所見では治癒方向にある.19ヵ月後のX線所見では根周囲の再生が見られ,1mm位の歯根の再生を認め,7年6ヵ月後にX線とCT所見で約2mmの根尖部の再生を認めた.
2011年7月30・31日 第32回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 ポスター3
71. Original paper. J Endod. 2011 Feb;37(2):231-4.
Surface changes of mineral trioxide aggregate after the application of bleaching agents: electron microscopy and an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis.
Tsujimoto M, Ookubo A, Wada Y, Matsunaga T, Tsujimoto Y, Hayashi Y. : Department of Cariology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in the surface structure and chemical composition after applying bleaching agents to completely hardened mineral trioxide aggregate.
METHODS: A total of 12 samples of MTA blocks were divided into three groups, two different bleaching agents, and a control group. The surface structure was observed using a scanning electron microscope. The changes in elemental composition were analyzed by an energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDX) system.
RESULTS: The surface of the MTA covered with each bleaching agent changed in terms of both color and structure compared with the control. EDX showed that both bleaching agents affected the elemental distribution. A decrease in Ca and an increase in Si were shown, and this tendency was especially pronounced in the higher hydrogen peroxide concentration group.
CONCLUSIONS: The acidic conditions induced by bleaching agents brought about the deterioration of the MTA surface. These findings suggest that MTA is an insufficient barrier against tooth bleaching.
70. Original paper. 日本再生歯科医学会誌 Vol. 9 (2011) , No. 1 pp.31-39
三島 弘幸1), 徳弘 将光2), 田中 和夫3), 大久保 厚司4), 見明 康雄5):
1) 高知学園短期大学 幼児保育学科 2) 近森病院臨床検査部 3) 田中歯科医院 4) 日本大学松戸歯学部組織・発生・解剖学講座,日宇歯科医院5) 東京歯科大学口腔超微構造学講座
Abstract: 本研究の目的は男女間の加齢変化に伴う組織構造及び組成変化を検索することである.歯石の色調は男女共に10代未満から50歳代では白色から灰色を呈し,60歳代以降は茶褐色が多く見られた.蛍光顕微鏡,偏光顕微鏡やSEMの観察では,女性では明瞭な層状構造を呈していた.歯石内部で男女共に球形の顆粒が多く,高齢者では不定形な形を示すものが多かった.EPMA分析ではNa,Mg,P,Caが検出された.X線回折法の結果では主な結晶はHAであるが,加齢に伴いOCPやwhitlockiteが検出された.歯石は唾液の分泌物に関連し,高齢者になる程,口腔細菌叢の変化,加齢に伴う疾病,薬の副作用などにより唾液の分泌量が減少し,唾液の成分も変化し,口腔の微小環境に変動に伴い,色調,組成や結晶の変化や不定形な構造が観察されたと考察される.女性の場合,女性ホルモンの分泌リズムの変化により層状構造が認められたと推測される.
68. Original paper. J Endod. 2010 Dec;36(12):1988-90. Epub 2010 Oct 14.
Analysis of arsenic in gray and white mineral trioxide aggregates by using atomic absorption spectrometry.
Matsunaga T, Tsujimoto M, Kawashima T, Tsujimoto Y, Fujiwara M, Ookubo A, Hayashi Y.
Department of Cariology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the concentration of arsenic (As) released from gray or white mineral trioxide aggregates (MTAs) met the requirement of the International Standards Organization (ISO) for dental cements.
METHODS: Sample preparations were carried out according to the ISO methods. After centrifugation of dissolved samples, As (III) concentration in the final supernatant was analyzed by a high-performance atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
RESULTS: As (III) concentration from both MTAs was much less than the required value (2 ppm) for dental cements regulated by the ISO. An experiment simulating pulp capping by using MTA revealed that As concentration was also below the standard value of the ISO. The As concentration in white MTA was lower than the value (10 ppb) recommended for tap water and environmental standards.
CONCLUSIONS: The present in vitro studies demonstrated that there is no threat to patient health in using commercially available brands of MTA for endodontic practices.
67. Original paper.日本再生歯科医学会誌 Vol. 8 (2010) , No. 1 pp.10-18
三島 弘幸1), 宮元 沙織2), 田中 和夫3), 大久保 厚司4), 見明 康雄5), 西野 彰恭6)
1) 高知学園短期大学幼児保育学科 2) 島津病院 3) 田中歯科医院 4) 日本大学松戸歯学部組織・発生・解剖学講座,日宇歯科医院5) 東京歯科大学口腔超微構造学講座
6) 高知学園短期大学医療衛生学科歯科衛生専攻(Accepted December 24, 2010)
Abstract: 青年(20歳代)と中年(40歳以降)の歯肉縁下歯石を用い,加齢変化に伴う組織構造及び組成変化の比較検討を行った.実体顕微鏡の観察結果では,中年の歯石が青年の歯石よりも緑色,灰色や暗褐色を呈していた.走査型電子顕微鏡の観察の結果において,中年の歯石では多角形の構造物,フレイク状の構造物や桿菌様の構造物がよく認められた.青年の歯石では球形の小さい構造物がよく観察された.EPMA分析では青年の歯石は中年の歯石よりNaを多く含み,中年の歯石は青年の歯石よりO,Ca,P,Mgを多く含んでいた.青年の歯石のCa/P比は1.75±0.39とHAに近く,中年の歯石のCa/P比は1.50±0.21とWに近かった.X線回析の結果でも青年の歯石ではHAを示し,中年の歯石ではWを示した.EPMAの分析結果とX線回析法の結果は調和的であった.年齢に伴い結晶や構成組成が変化することが示唆された.
Key words: 縁下歯石, 加齢変化, 結晶, 微量元素
2010年6月12・13日 第28回日本顎咬合学会 シンポジスト
骨格系を基準とした咬合による顎関節症のリスクとは? そのみわけかたとインプラントを用いた治療法
日宇歯科・矯正歯科(佐世保市開業) 大久保厚司
目的 : 顎関節症の症状は段階的に進行しない為,症状や原因の研究は少ない.症状は歯列と咬合平面が頭蓋・頸椎の骨格に左右される運動ベクトルに関連が示唆されることを過去に報告した.今回,セファロ分析とMRI画像による臨床的な診断法の確率性とそれぞれの症状に応じた治療法を報告する.
方法および結果 : 1) 急性時と慢性時における臨床とMRI画像診断では急性時の診断誤差が大きかった.また,慢性時の最大開口量と関節円板脱臼は一連の関連性が認められた. 2) 前・側方セファロ分析による咬合平面と頭蓋骨や頸椎の位置的関係から,下顎挙上時に働く筋群とのベクトル量で表した(分析にあたり,機能する位置を計測点とした). ① 側方セファロでは歯列分類に基づく機能する咬合平面の後方延長線が歯突起上にある場合はⅠもしくはⅡ型に留まるが,その延長線が頭蓋骨に至る場合はⅢ型に至る場合が90%で,これらは第一第二の頸椎弯曲を伴い,不定愁訴も異なった.また,関節頭の形態変化もしくは両側の関節円板脱臼が認められる場合が多かった.② 前方セファロでは眼窩下縁線と上顎6⏊6の咬頭頂線の平衡性並びに両下顎枝の長さに注目し,側方セファロで計測できなかったⅣ型の関連性か認められた.
症状に応じた治療法の紹介 : 上記の結果からそれぞれの症状に応じた治療手順をスプリント療法,矯正治療,補綴治療およびインプラントを用いた咬合治療法を紹介する.
66. Original paper. 日本再生歯科医学会誌Vol. 7 (2009) , No. 1 pp.25-33
大久保 厚司1), 井上 正朗1), 松永 常典1), 辻本 真規1) 日宇歯科
Abstract: 目的 :日本では白色のMTA / ProROOT MTA®が販売されている.ProROOT MTA®に超微量に含有されている石灰化を阻害する可能性のある超微量元素や亜砒酸ならびにpHの問題が関与する歯髄組織の炎症反応に対して評価する必要性がある.
材料および方法 : 患者の同意を得て,歯列矯正と半埋伏歯智歯の要抜歯に無菌的な機械的露髄をおこなった後,2%NaClOで止血した後,無菌綿球で乾燥し,ProROOT MTA®で覆髄をおこない,2週と4週の組織学的再生にH-E染色ならびに歯髄神経再生にS-100免疫陽性反応によりヒト歯髄組織再生を検討した.
結果および考察 : ヒトでは条件が異なるため組織学的な経時比較はできないが,結果は2週検体では覆髄したProROOT MTA®直下の歯髄組織にデンティンブリッジ形成や歯髄神経の再生はほとんど見られず,MTA粒子の周囲には充血は認められなかった.4週検体では約200µm幅の形成された骨様もしくはセメント質様のデンティンブリッジ層を認め,石灰化層直下の界面は正常な歯髄組織と象牙芽細胞が回復しつつある.2週像では全く認められなかったシュワン細胞は4週では石灰化層直下から再生しているような像が数多くみられた.本検体の2週像と4週像でもヒト歯髄組織に溢出したMTA粒子周辺に充血や組織変性が認められなかったことより,超微量の亜砒酸やアルカリpHはヒト歯髄組織の影響を及ぼさない程度で生体調節されていくと考える.また,これらの検体から歯髄神経再生と象牙芽細胞に関連性があるように思えた.(2009年 September)
65. Original paper. 日本歯内療法学会誌 第30巻 第3号………
MTAと組成配合したポルトランドセメントのSEM-EDS分析による成分検討/ Ingredient examination by the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (gray and white MTA) and the composition blended portland cement.
大久保 厚司1)5)、三島 弘幸2)、松永 常典3)、川久保 敦3)、辻本 真規3)、
井上 正朗4)、川島 正5)、辻本 恭久5)、中田 浩史6)
1) 日本大学松戸歯学部組織発生解剖学講座,2)高知学園短期大学医療衛生学科歯科衛生専攻3)長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科齲蝕学分野,4)大阪大学大学院歯学研究科顎口腔病因病態制御学講座,5)日本大学松戸歯学部歯内療法学講座,6)日本大学松戸歯学部顎口腔義歯リハビリテーション学講座.
Abstract : In this study, we made gray portland cement and white portland cement samples which the composition blended Bi 20% and gypsum 5% with weight ratio 75% of each gray and white portland cement. 4 samples of commercial gray ProROOT MTA , gray portland cement, white ProROOT MTA and white portland cement were observed morphologically with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and performed component analysis of the trace element by the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). We investigated possibility of the endodontic application from these constitution elements and oxidation compound ratio.
4 samples included CaO and SiO2 which were mineralization ingredients, and these oxidation compound mol ratio in total was gray ProROOT MTA ; 83.77%, gray portland cement ; 79.64%, white ProROOT MTA ; 80.58% and white portland cement ; 83.51%. It consisted of mineralization promotion materials of MgO, Al2O3 and SO3 else, and Bi2O3 of the contrast media. The Fe was not included in white ProROOT MTA and white portland cement, and the oxidation compound mol ratio of Fe2O3 was gray ProROOT MTA ; 0.53% and gray portland cement ; 2.59%.
By these results, though there were some differences in weight ratio and atomic weight ratio about the trace element among these 4 samples, it was suggested that they had similar main component except Fe. However, it is necessary to investigate the trace element of compound in whole, because the SEM-EDS anlysis could be only done from the sample surface to several μm depth.
Key words : gray ProROOT MTA , white ProROOT MTA, gray portland cement, white portland cement, blended portland cement, SEM, SEM-EDS analysis.
64. Original paper. 第30巻 第3号
川久保敦,他熱可塑性オブチュレーションガッタによる根管充填後,6年経過した臨床症例の根尖部填塞性と経時変化に関するSEMおよびSEM-EDS分析による検討/ Investigation the apical area of obturating ability and long-term dentin mineralization change in clinical case that passed after root canal obturation using thermoplasticized obuturation-gutta for 6 years by SEM and SEM-EDS analysis.
川久保 敦1),松永常典1),大久保厚司2,3),辻本 真規1),井上 正朗4),三島弘幸5), 中田 浩史6)
1長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科齲蝕学分野,2日本大学松戸歯学部組織・発生・解剖学講座,3日宇歯科(佐世保市).4)大阪大学大学院歯学研究科顎口腔病因病態制御学講座,5高知学園短期大学医療衛生科歯科衛生専攻, 6日本大学松戸歯学部顎口腔義歯リハビリテーション学講座.
Abstract : In Japan, the thermoplastic root canal obturation method (Obuturation-gutta soft /OGS which heated is injected inintracanal with about 44 degrees Celsius) which Otani et al. developed in 1978 can be superior to operability and sealing ability. Author et al. as the modification of the thermoplasticized method, it inject OGS to shaped and dried intracanal, and perform diffusion and compression with a Ni-Ti condenser, and obturate to apical foramen not to make dead space by twin pluggers technique again and had superior clinical results for 28 years. This time, after root canal obturation of 6⏌by this technique, it passed as super-structure non-setting in non-hospital visiting for 6 years and there was the opportunity when extracted a tooth for in the bifurcation caries of 6⏌and restorative impossibility. We got patient compliance and it make epoxy imbedding sample, confirm an excision direction by microCT. Afterwards it investigated obturating ability and long-term dentin mineralization change of each apical area using SEM and SEM-EDS analysis.
The results, a mesicobuccal root of 6⏌had about 1,360μm dead space, but there was not the interposition of the granulation tissue and central part of the dead space had a narrow segment by the protrusion ( in width 292.1μm, height 127.6μm). The width was 162.2μm that were similar to physiological apical foramen. As for the composition element of this both protrusion consisted in Ca : P : Na : Mg : Cl, in average average weight ratio (%) were 48.73 : 34.82 : 8.19 : 4.03 : 4.49 by the SEM-EDS analysis, Ca/P was 1.40. It is judged to be the reparative dentin formation to consist of a composition element. In other a distobuccal apical area and a palatal apical area had mineralized of each apical foramen was observed. It is considered with the formation of reparative dentin and the cementium.
About obturating ability of the apical area, because it did not remove the smear layer in this case of cleaning, an average of 3.15μm smear layer existed among it between canal wall and OGS.However, in the portion, the OGS adapted with direct canal wall without interposition of the smear layer was observed and showed superior obturating ability.
However, as for the OGS, it is thought that component of OGS replace to hard tissue as substitution materials because absorption statue was observed in all apical area and no Zn having existed in OGS of the absorption process. From these,in the infected root canal treatment that origin of endodontic lesion is present in, it think that there is the necessity which fill by thermoplasticized obturation of OGS to apical foramen.
Key words : thermoplasticzed obturation, Obturation-Gatta soft / OGS, SEM-EDS analysis, reparative dentin, mineralized the apical foramen.
2009年4月24日~26日; 国際歯内療法学会 第30回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 東京大会(KAE、APEC併催)テーブルクリニック
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate ( MTA)の歯内病態に応じた臨床応用と希望者への実習/ Clinical application and a practical skill depending on endodontal pathologic condition of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA)
大久保厚司1,2,川久保 敦2.3,松永常典2.3
1. Introduction; It is authorized direct pulp capping, healing of the perforation department, root absorption, apexification, root-end filling as application for pulp capping and ProRoot MTA (white Mineral Trioxide Aggregate / Dentspry Sankin Co., Ltd.), The Japanese indication is authorized as medicament for pulp capping on October 30, 2006 by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and it is sold. The presenter et al. performed SEM-EDS analyze and animal experiment of MTA in the past, MTA reports the result while keeping affinity to pulp tissue when mineralization is an ingredient promoting it. We receive practical training in MTA healing that supposed pathology in the tooth to be it to an applicant at the same time to present case report by these clinical application this time.
2. X-rays analyze of the MTA, animal experiment and light microscope result: As for the MTA, two kinds of Gray (following gMTA ) and White (following wMTA ) are sold in the other countries, CaO and SiO2 which are a hard tissue mineralization ingredient are chief ingredients, The weight ratio in total gMTA, 83.18% and wMTA was 86.08%. The gMTA included Fe (Fe2O3) 0.47% and was not included in the wMTA at all. We investigated direct pulp capping, healing of the perforation department by the animal experiment, and examined the root-end filling by an optical microscope.As a result of having tested dog tooth pulp of the MTA having a dentin mineralization element and influence on apical area as material for direct pulp capping after the vital pulpotomy, in 6 weeks, the MTA promoted the formation of the cement-like mineralization from the ingredient and the tooth pulp was in an approximately normal state and was present in the subjacency and the MTA is useful as tooth pulp agent. Even if MTA existed among it in a pulp tissue, there was not the inflammatory expansion only by hyperaemia being watched partly From these, it was suggested that tissue affinity and homeostasis were a certain useful ingredients. Also, injury slightly observes to periodontal ligament in a perforation model of 6 weeks, we observed osteointegration-like bone and direct joining of the MTA by the optical microscope. The MTA as root canal filling materials adhered in dentin
3. Case report : We perform case report about direct pulp capping, healing of the perforation department, root-end filling.
4. Discussion; By component analysis of gMTA with bone substitution action at CaO 71.15%, SiO2 12.66% in total 83.81%, wMTA consists at CaO 65.76%, at SiO2 15.32% in total 86.08%, and the other component includes the microelement which is necessary for dentinal mineralization processes such as S, Al, Mg, Cl, in these ingredients becoming the compound, when the element that it is thought that mineralization mechanism requires it more is microelement, we estimate reports. The difference is gMTA contains Fe(Fe2O3), and wMTA does not include it. As result that Wiltbank KB et al. compared homeostasis of the material, pH, initial hardening time with gMTA and wMTA and physical nature does not have the significant difference and reports it when hardening time shortens by CaCl2, calcium nitrite and calcium formate. For an acute pulpitis dental of the child primary tooth, it is direct pulp capping by the MTA, it is the ingredient which does not affect tooth pulp and apex tissue, it is cement-like mineralization framework conduction materials. Therefore, the absorption of a normal primary tooth root and the eruption of the permanent successor were possible. Agamy HA et al. report that gMTA can be superior to wMTA in pulp capping results. Al-Hezaimi K et al. report that wMTA can be slightly superior to gMTA about an antibacterial effect to C. albicans.When Fe2O3 increases 0.43%, the tooth-colored black change is present, but thinks that the antibacterial action is advantageous.
5. The training to the applicant of the operative method depending on clinical condition in various teeth of MTA : After it was understood nature by an ingredient of MTA, we use the model and receive practical training, and it is acquired MTA clinic maneuver to an applicant and thinks that it is help of the clinical application from tomorrow.
2009年4月24日~26日; 国際歯内療法学会 第30回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 東京大会(KAE、APEC併催)ポスター1
・大久保厚司1,2,川久保 敦3,松永常典3,三島弘幸4: 骨再建部に与えた根尖病変拡炎の広範囲な影響~歯内療法の重要性を再検討する/ Wide range absorption of the jawbone reconstructed department by the unexpected flare-ups of the origin of endodontic lesion – Reexamination of the importance of the endodontics
1. Introduction : When planning of occlusal reconstruction for the elderly patient, we require the treatment that is comprehensive for oral one unit by periodontal disease, endodontics, jawbone reconstruction treatment including the oral implants that progressed. In particular, as for the endodontics, Japanese dentist attracts global criticism, and because most clinicians, there is the problem that must perform precise endodontics technique immediately. The focus of this case is poor endodontics dealt with in the other dental clinic. The jawbone which it rebuilt using tissue engineering, absorbed it all by blastic crisis of the origin of endodontic lesion in only 10 days. Therefore, from the case that required extensive tissue engineering, we show importance of the endodontics.
2. A case and course : Patients : 64 years old, a woman. Chief complaint : Anxiety complex by the unidentified complaint that poor occlusion causes the symptoms : A systemic accessory symptom by the displacement of the condyle (both shoulder discomforts, left migraine headache, menopausal disorders, numbness of both fingers, grinding of the teeth). In the oral findings : The periodontal disease that progressed all the survival teeth(in particular, 654⏌), poor endodontics of 76⏌,⎾4,⎿6. root resorption of⎾5, Tooth root bifurcation breakage of ⎾7, and poor occlusal treatment. A treatment plan : From masticatory need, the first treatment is implant restore and endodontics of the left sides. At the same time, for shortening of the duration of treatment, we perform bone reconstruction by the sinus lift to enlarge bone volume of the right side maxillary, and we enable left mastication by left side provisional treatment .Following , 7654⏌ will extract teeth in the future when necessity extracting teeth was demanded, and we planned the right side occlusial reconstruction by oral implants restoration. Flare-ups of the origin of endodontic lesion of 6⏌ : Only 5 months later, by flare-ups of the origin of endodontic lesion of 1x2mm, it led to broad absorption of the bone reconstruction region of the 654⏌ department which enforced sinus lift, in only 10 days. For swelling and pyrexia (37.5 ℃), we performed intravenous drip including antibiotic and the steroid, 3 times. Treatment of the Inflammatory expansion part: 3 months later, 654⏌ performs vertical bone creation by sinus lift and GBR with oral implants insert again.
3. Discussion : Presently, scaffold, growth factors and growth factor protein need the bone reconstruction by the tissue engineering. However, ALP rises on collagen Ⅰ type, and osteonectin, osteopontin, bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin express it, and a bone cell is formed, then the target protein of the bone formation is not clear when we think that a bone matures. We think that a different mechanism acts in bone formation mechanism to mature from bone cell and bone formation mechanism to substitute from bio-material. The possibility that vascular system and the immune system which are enough into created bone are not established is suggested. Therefore, we think that bone reconstruction department absorbed it by inflammation enlarged in only 10 days.This case by poor endodontics, it would bring a patient and dentist tragedy without the field of tissue engineering. It followed that it spent 4 months extra for the duration of treatment even if it used this extensive therapy.
4. Conclusion : In the field of Japanese endodontics, it is necessary to consider that the tooth which we treated changes for degradation with aging. We showed importance to establish specific endodontics technique to make it heal without causing origin of endodontic lesion. Otherwise very extensive tissue engineering medical treatment is required.
2009年4月24日~26日; 国際歯内療法学会 第30回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 東京大会(KAE、APEC併催)ポスター2
・ 川久保 敦1),松永常典1),大久保厚司2,3),辻本 真規1),井上 正朗4),三島弘幸5), 中田 浩史6) : 熱可塑性オブチュレーションガッタによる根管充填後,6年経過した臨床症例の根尖部填塞性と経時変化に関するマイクロCT,SEMおよびSEM-EDS分析による検討Investigation the apical area of obturating ability and long-term dentin mineralization change in clinical case that passed after root canal obturation using thermoplasticized obuturation-gutta for 6 years by microCT, SEM and SEM-EDS analysis.
1長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科齲蝕学分野,2日本大学松戸歯学部組織・発生・解剖学講座,3日宇歯科(佐世保市).4)大阪大学大学院歯学研究科顎口腔病因病態制御学講座,5高知学園短期大学医療衛生科歯科衛生専攻, 6日本大学松戸歯学部顎口腔義歯リハビリテーション学講座.
Abstract : In Japan, the thermoplastic root canal obturation method (Obuturation-gutta /OGS which heated is injected inintracanal with about 44 degrees Celsius) which Otani et al. developed in 1978 can be superior to operability and sealing ability. Author et al. as the modification of the thermoplasticized method, it inject OGS to shaped and dried intracanal, and perform diffusion and compression with a Ni-Ti condenser, and obturate to apical foramen not to make dead space by plugger technique again and had superior clinical results for 28 years. This time, after root canal obturation of 6⏌by this technique, it passed as super-structure non-setting in non-hospital visiting for 6 years and there was the opportunity when extracted a tooth for in the bifurcation caries of 6⏌and restorative impossibility. We got patient compliance and investigated obturating ability and long-term dentin mineralization change of each apical area using microCT, SEM and SEM-EDS analysis.
The results, a mesicobuccal root of 6⏌had about 1,360μm dead space, but there was not the interposition of the granulation tissue and about 330μm part showed a narrow segment of around 300μm in width from apical foramen. The width was about 170μm that were similar to physiological apical foramen. As for the composition element of this narrow segment consisted in Ca : P : Na : Cl, mol ratio (%) were 43.15 : 40.72 : 14.42 : 2.55 by the SEM-EDS analysis, Ca/P was 1.06. It is judged to be the reparative dentin formation to consist of a composition element. In other a distobuccal apical area and a palatal apical area had mineralized of each apical foramen was observed. It is considered with the formation of reparative dentin and the cementium.
About obturating ability of the apical area, because it did not remove the smear layer in this case of cleaning, an average of 3.15μm smear layer existed among it between canal wall and OGS.However, in the portion, the OGS adapted with direct canal wall without interposition of the smear layer was observed and showed superior obturating ability.
However, as for the OGS, it is thought that component of OGS replace to hard tissue as substitution materials because absorption statue was observed in all root canals. From these,in the infected root canal treatment that origin of endodontic lesion is present in, it think that there is the necessity which fill by thermoplasticized obturation of OGS to apical foramen.
Key word : thermoplasticzed obturation, Obturation-Gatta/OGS, SEM-EDS analysis, reparative dentin, mineralized the apical foramen.
2009年4月24日~26日; 国際歯内療法学会 第30回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 東京大会(KAE、APEC併催)ポスター3
・山田啓二1)大久保厚司2); 熱可塑性根充法による根尖病巣消失症例25例から検討する/ Clinical investigation of each 25 cases that apical lesion by thermoplastic root canal filling method disappeared. – from difference of the obturation of the thermoplastic and lateral condensation root canal filling.
1)山田歯科クリニック 2)日宇歯科
In the root canal filling method, it is assumed that it is important to do three dimensional root canal obuturation of complex root canal system. Thermoplastic root canal filling (TP-RCF) method was introduced as an effective root canal obuturation system 30 several years ago. We performed TP-RCF for infected root canal treatment in dental practice in particular for many years, too.
We compared a training model to the extracted tooth about obturation characteristics by TP-RCF method and lateral condensation root canal filling (LC-RCF) method this time. The extracted tooth performed shaping and cleaning by similar technique.Furthermore, we compared it in a radiological finding from the post treatment long term prognosis of the infected root canal tooth which apical lesion was present in and investigated.In this evaluation, more closely obturated cases were origin of endodontic lesion in a disappearance tendency.
However, criteria for the root canal obuturation method are unclear to the dentist who is busy with in clinic every day. Therefore we present a method to confirm root canal obturative characteristics using in dental machine easily as one technology of the endodontics.